Monday, April 6, 2009

How technology makes us misinterpret many things in life.

Life if full of misinterpretation. It is our duty to prevent those from happening and if it does happen then we are responsible to fix them. We are humans and mistakes are bound to happen, but what if we don't fix them, what if because we are too proud we don't talk about things from face to face those things will grow and affect us greatly. I for once have had multiple experience when it comes to misinterpreting something because I was not brave enough to talk to that person face to face.

Since we feel shame or embarrassed we prefer to talk by cellphone or most notably by text message, message by Facebook, messenger or e-mail. Sometimes by writing a letter it is easier to express ourselves but if we are not careful our message might be taken the wrong way. Words have more meaning when the human voice uses it rather when it is written on a paper. Sure our ideas might flow easier if we take our time alone to write something but we have to think and put ourselves in the other persons position, how would he see this? How would he take it if he read it in another tone? or How would he react to this if his mood is not as calmed as mine right now?

By personal experience I can say that many misinterpretation have occured because of a simple letter or most commonly text message. It is not a good idea to have aargument by text message, personally everytime I've had one it does not end up right. There might have been a couple of times that an argument has end up in a good way by text message but I can assure that most of the time it does not. Then comes the question of why are we not brave enough to just have the conversatiton face to face. Well there are many circumstances, most of the time one person in not ready to talk yet until later on when the text message is delivered or the conversatiton cannot continue while we see the other person.

Even if it is difficult to talk to the other person face to face it is always important to do it because the internet or the cellphone has not always been there and one has to think back and reflect on when was it that one had a conversation and an argument came up and it was solved quickly and when one argument took longer to solve, I bet most of the times that an argument was solved quickly it was when it was face to face. Another good thing about talking to a person face to face is that, when there is a misinterpretation you have the other person right infront of you, so any doubts that you might have you can ask right away rather than wait to see if the other person decides to text you back.

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