Monday, March 9, 2009

Drastic Measures

Recently I saw the movie "Watchman", the movie talks about superheroes, the cold war and humanity. In the movie in order to show how cruel and wicked humans can be, they show various examples of murders that kill people for pleasure, vengeance, or to gain something out of it. Why do they do it? Don't they have any compassion for those people that don't have anything to do with their plans. By killing innocent people not only do they take away that persons life but it also affects their family and society. I do not believe of the saying "An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth" is something that would bring justice but there are other methods that would bring justice to the wrong doings of a person.

As an the English philosopher Thomas Hobbes said, humans are evil by nature, we are always looking for ways to gain new things and even if we have them we will still look for more because we feel that the only way to protect what we have is by gaining more. That applies for everything, not only money. In order to do that humans take drastic measures such as murder and robbery. Many innocent lives have been lost just because a thief that wanted to steal from a store a couple of dollars, not even a bank or a really big store but a small and humble store. Why kill for only a couple of dollars, is it worth being in prison for many years just for a couple of tenths or even twenties dollar bill? There are other cases where they kidnap and ask for ransom or in other countries, they kidnap and take away their organs in order to sell them in the black markets. These crimes should be punished harshly, even if one hasn't been related to something like that one can still try and relate to those people that have been affected by it. What if it happened to your mother, brother or children would you not want justice over those crimes, for the person to be harshly punished.

I believe that a person that has killed or has committed a crime so severe, should be jailed for the rest of their lives. Many people would disagree, stating that it would put a heavy toll in the taxes to support the prisons, but one has to think, if it is better to have a safe environment where your kids can play safely in the parks or a place where one has to fear the place they live and go to work. Others would argue that what if the person has repented for their crimes and wishes to start all over again, everyone has a right to have a second chance. It is true that everyone has a right to start over again, but there are various things to consider. Firstly, many of the people that are released from prison, are imprisoned right away because they commit another crime right after being released. If a person where to be imprisoned for life for a crime so severe, it would make people consider and double think before committing a crime like that. It is a very drastic measurement, but it is not so drastic as other countries where people are put to the death penalty when they kill or do a crime that is severe. In the past there have been drastic measures done by the government in order to control a situation and minimize the outcomes, this can be considered as one of them. It is very drastic at first but in the end, the results would be positive.

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