Monday, February 2, 2009

killings in school

There has been hundred of cases of school shootings, or simply massacres throughout the years. Even though we don't really hear of it that often it does happen, but the ones that gets our attention are the big ones. The most recent one that is more impacting is the Virginia Tech massacre. Even though it seems very bloody and hard to believe that there has been worst, there was one in 1927, The Bath disaster where a person working at the school implanted several tons of dynamite throughout the school, killing 45 people and injuring 58 people. Whats more horrifying is that the school was for students that were from 7 to 12 years of age devastating not only their families but the whole town. It is said that the reason that Andrew Kehoe, the schools treasurer exploded the school, killed his wife and even wanted to explode his home was because of the high taxes that had affected him economically, thus by closing his farm.

When situations like these happen, one cant help but wonder what drove these people to that point. How can they live with themselves for doing things like that, but then again, they all commit suicide afterwards, may be knowing what awaits them if they don't. They all have different reasons for doing it, wether because they are frustrated with their lives, they have a grudge against some people or they are just mentally instable. Either of the cases I cannot find any justifications for what they have done. What gives them them the right to take other peoples lives, or even their lives.

it has been shown that most of the people that are involved in those massacres have had bad childhoods or have shown t have probems since their early ages, but it is still no reason to just do what they please. I often believe that they may get their examples from the media. There are always safe ways to relieve your frustration, but if they are not informed properly then how can they know how to. I am not justifying them, butI am merely pointing out that Hollywood or pop cuture has influenced them in their decision to do those atrocity.